ClientLos Cabos Tourism Escrow
SectorTourism and Country Promotion

ClientLos Cabos Tourism Escrow
SectorTourism and Country Promotion
Los Cabos is one of the most important destinations in Mexico and a favorite for such primary markets as the United States and Canada. It is recognized for its rich ecosystem, luxury and comfort. Tourism is its main economic activity.
Since the start of the pandemic, the challenge was to manage the destination’s reputation through transparent communication and to adapt the travel experience to new requirements in the market by incorporating health protocols capable of guaranteeing wellbeing without impacting the experience enjoyed by travelers. The ultimate goal was to maintain the region’s economy.
In order to expand the messages, we created new communication channels aimed at the national market with content of value in Spanish. The destination’s accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all registered a constant increase in followers from April 2022 to July 2021 and a successful engagement rate.
In turn, we positioned the Managing of the Los Cabos Tourism Board as a relevant player within the industry through interviews, opinion columns and participation in important forums, achieving impacts in tier 1, 2 and 3 media.
Key events were also coordinated to successfully reactivate the meetings tourism segment. These meetings took place with new logistics dominated by the implementation of protocols capable of successfully guaranteeing the wellbeing of all, with a contagion rate of 0%. This was recognized with the award for Excellence as a Destination.
We organized fam trips with leading journalists and influencers with a high profile in those territories where Los Cabos sought to be mentioned, reaching more than 30 million people in this way.
COVID-19 was a challenge for destinations all over the world, so we are proud to have achieved total recovery because the tourism business lies at the heart of Los Cabos. We will maintain the efforts that have brought us here, guaranteeing health and safety for everyone
In March 2020, Los Cabos closed for more than two months in order to focus on the creation and implementation of health and hygiene measures that would allow the destination to safely re-open to travelers. Through coordinated efforts with State and municipal authorities, as well as tourism service providers, a gradual and successful approach was adopted to re-opening the destination and the “Los Cabos te cuida, una manera más sergura de viajar” [“Los Cabos looks after you, a safer way to travel”] system was created. This system consisted of standardized actions on hygiene, safety, sustainability and health protocols to guarantee the wellbeing of all travelers while visiting Los Cabos.
The idea was focused on strengthening local pride in order to connect with potential travelers and to position the destination as the ideal place for “resuming life” after a long period of lockdown.