SectorMass Consumption and Distribution

SectorMass Consumption and Distribution
VTEX, responsible for Latin America’s largest retail, business and digital innovation event: VTEX Day, faced the challenge of returning with the 2022 edition after a pandemic-related hiatus from face-to-face events.
To do so, the success of communications across networks and in the press proved essential, as we sought to cover every moment of the event: pre, during and post, highlighting the relevance of the content addressed, guiding partners and advising journalists, aligning everything to VTEX DAY standards.
The event, which marked the return of large-scale face-to-face events, had more than 130 accredited journalists and 283 press mentions, 74 of them in Tier 1 vehicles. This is the highest number of mentions of the brand in the last 5 years.
In just a few months, LLYC developed the planning, the content calendar for before and after the event and invited journalists, positioning the event in the press as one of the main events in the sector.
We worked on the reputation and activism of the VTEX brand with the development of promotional materials and support during the event, which included negotiating interviews and organizing the press conference. The team also conducted relationships with exhibitors and partners, including approvals of their communication materials, with a view to ensure standardized information concerning the event and the VTEX brand.