SectorMass Consumption and DistributionLifestyle

SectorMass Consumption and DistributionLifestyle
Multiópticas challenged us to strengthen its strategic position in the eye health sector using a powerful idea that would build brand conversation. We’ve heard people talk about the negative effects of air pollution, light pollution and even noise pollution, but what if we looked at a different kind of pollution? We spend 60% of our time looking at screens nowadays and this has a negative impact on the health of our eyes.
Screen Pollution achieved more than 260 impacts, two million euros in EAV. The sale of blue filter rose by 78% in 2019.
“At Multiópticas, we saw a clear need in the area of visual health, which challenged us to raise awareness of it in society. Screen Pollution has meant a paradigm shift in Multiópticas’ communications. The key to our success has been converting this new line of communication into a publicity campaign that goes far beyond the field of pure PR. This was challenging, because no brand in the industry had ever done it before”
To achieve this objective, the strategy was divided into several stages: Firstly, we examined the problem through a quantitative study that would produce alarming and relevant evidence capable of generating media and social conversation about the issue. These data would also provide a central theme for the entire campaign and legitimize subsequent actions.
The second step was to establish the new concept, “Screen Pollution”, and raise public awareness about it. Bearing in mind that consumers are usually reluctant to receive advertising messages and conventional commercial communication channels, and given that competitors in the sector usually opt for highly traditional means of communication about their offers and fashion, the strategy consisted of breaking those norms in an advertising campaign that included a graphical and digital advert to highlight the large number of hours we spend in front of screens.
Thirdly, Multiópticas needed to demonstrate it was a brand capable of offering solutions to the problem, switching from storytelling to storydoing and bringing genuine value to promote the responsible use of screens. To do so, we worked with eye health experts to spread information and advice via a landing page, and organized training workshops for school children.
Finally, to keep the conversation going over Christmas, we conducted another study to see the correlation between Christmas presents bought for young children and screens.