Pepe Beker and Rafa Antón, new Chief Creative Officers at LLYC

Mar 3 2022

LLYC creates the position of regional Chief Creative Officer as a pivotal value for clients. Rafa Antón will take on this new creative executive management position in Europe, and Pepe Beker in America. They are sector leaders on each side of the Atlantic.

José Beker is the co-founder of BESO by LLYC. He is one of the leading members of the creative industry in Latin America. His career spans more than 30 years at such agencies as Alazraki, FCB, Publicis and Euro RSCG. He was President of the Creative Circle in Mexico and has been a member of the jury at Cannes, FIAP, Clio, the New York Festival and the London Festival. He was chosen as the best Creative Managing Director at the El Ojo de Iberoamérica Festival. Over the course of his career, he has handled such accounts as Walmart, Procter & Gamble and Nestlé.

Rafa Antón is the co-founder and Creative Managing Director of CHINA (part of LLYC). Forbes magazine has included him among the 100 most creative Spaniards in the business world. He has been on the jury of virtually all the main international festivals (Cannes, D&AD, One Show, Clio, El Sol and FIAP), at which he has also won numerous awards together with his teams. He was the President of the Creatives Club of Spain (c de c) in 2008 and 2009. He is currently a member of the Management Board of the Advertising Academy.

“Our commitment to creativity is outright. In a world intoxicated by information, the ability to create relevant content with an impact, based on data analysis insights is the way to ensure a result that excites and creates a positive response. With Rafa and Pepe, we boost our creative department with two global professionals”, stresses Alejandro Romero, CEO for America.

Luisa García, CEO for Europe at LLYC: “Rafa and Pepe are two examples of what we are and where we want to go. They represent our cutting edge in a field – creativity – in which the solution lies to many of the challenges the advertising industry faces at this time. Without creativity it is very difficult to transform, reinvent oneself and innovate. It allows you to forge authenticity and connect with society. When you add a technological component to that, the result gives us a winning formula”.