Being UNO is everything | UNO de 50

  • Client
    Uno de 50
  • Sector
    Mass Consumption and Distribution
  • Client
    Uno de 50
  • Sector
    Mass Consumption and Distribution


After nearly 30 years of growth and international expansion, Uno de 50’s originality, presence, and uniqueness had started to fade. The challenge was to reclaim its distinctive personality, engaging a younger audience without alienating loyal customers. The goal was to revitalize the brand, renewing its appeal without losing its essence.


Our efforts have attracted a new audience, resulting in a 4% increase in participation in the 25-34 age segment and a 1% increase in the 18-24 age segment. This illustrates our success in associating the brand with the future and reaching previously untapped buyers, thus expanding our demographic base.

Social media followers
TikTok views
DOOH campaign views
Web traffic increase

“Our goal is to inspire people to enjoy their own identity, championing the idea of being oneself. Uno de 50 connects with all kinds of people, regardless of their origin, gender, or culture. We aim to connect with an attitude. We have worked on a global brand strategy that allows us to continue winning over both women and men in more than 70 markets where we operate and, of course, in those countries where we are focusing our expansion efforts.”

Brigitte Boehm
Global CMO and CCO at UNOde50


After an in-depth analysis of the brand, market, and global jewelry consumer, a strategy inspired by the brand’s untamed, instinctual, and free-spirited elements was developed. The brand’s verbal and visual identity were revitalized, creating a flexible, contemporary, and spontaneous universe reflecting the new positioning. This evolution materialized in a comprehensive relaunch campaign under the tagline “Being UNO is Everything.”
The brand strategy, visual universe, and tone of voice were redefined to reconnect with audiences and regain initial relevance. An integrated campaign spanned digital platforms like social media and websites, and traditional media such as press, TV, and out-of-home advertising. A CRM strategy was launched to engage brand lovers with the brand’s new spirit. The in-store image and packaging were updated to reflect the new visual identity. This multifaceted approach enabled Uno de 50 to reclaim relevance and reconnect with its audience, revitalizing its market position.
A new graphic line aligned with the rebranding, along with a new logo embodying the creative concept: “Being UNO is Everything.” The campaign, created and led by Spain, was broadcast in all countries where the company operates. Specific targets were defined, and the new branding message was adapted for each implemented action, ensuring an omnichannel presence that impacted both online and offline. Every action followed the new visual identity, ensuring coherence and consistency in all communications.
A media campaign was launched to present the new concept and brand image based on jewelry buyer behavior. A detailed plan was structured to maximize reach, generating synergies between owned, paid, and earned media. Key groups were identified on each digital platform, and content was tailored to connect with each audience. To attract younger buyers, efforts were focused on platforms like TikTok and Meta, targeting the 18-35 age group.
Regarding content, the craftsmanship and quality that distinguish UNOde50 were highlighted. The brand establishes an emotional connection by promoting individuality and authenticity, reflected in natural and authentic visual pieces. Consistency and coherence are key pillars, carefully applying each graphic element to convey the same essence and message. UNOde50 strives to be innovative, maintaining consistency without sacrificing creativity, using the logo as a mask for photographs.

Being UNO is everything | UNO de 50
Being UNO is everything | UNO de 50
Being UNO is everything | UNO de 50