The offices of LLYC Mexico and Beso by LLYC have once again earned recognition for their efforts in fostering respect for human rights and promoting diversity in the company with certification from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation as Best Places to Work LGBTQ+
This recognition demonstrates the firm’s commitment to the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace and showcases company practices as it continues to work towards new opportunities to grow and develop a safe workplace where inclusion and diversity are paramount.
The Equidad MX program is run by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, a US-based organization that promotes the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in workplaces. Following the unprecedented success of the HRC Corporate Equality Index in the United States, the HRC Foundation partnered with ADIL Diversity and Workplace Inclusion in 2016 to establish the HRC Equidad MX program as the leading corporate-level LGBTQ+ inclusion assessment in Mexico.
This program conducts an annual survey that assesses LGBTQ+ inclusion in workplaces within leading Mexican and multinational companies, awarding the “Best Places to Work LGBTQ+” distinction to the top ranked companies.
This distinction serves as an indicator of corporate commitment to LGBTQ+ labor inclusion in areas such as:
– Non-Discrimination / Equal Employment Opportunity Policies
– LGBTQ+ Organizational Competence
– LGBTQ+ Education and Training
– Public Engagement
LLYC and Beso by LLYC are very proud to receive this recognition, which acknowledges the practices, policies and procedures in place to make LLYC a safe place where everyone is a part of promoting inclusion, diversity and equity.