The firm’s commitment to transformational creativity continues garnering international recognition: LLYC stands as Spain’s best creative agency according to the Grand Slam of Ibero-American creativity organised by FIAP. The firm also ranks 6th in the Top 10 Ibero-American agencies, while the “Bihar, choose the future” campaign, in collaboration with the BBK Foundation, placed 6th in the Top 10 best Ibero-American campaigns.
FIAP draw up this ranking alongside PRODU, working together to analyse the performance and results of the main advertising campaigns at major local festivals and their performance at Cannes and FIAP.
The ranking organisation assessed all the agencies participating in the most recent edition of FIAP and/or Cannes from all Ibero-American regions (Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Peru, US Hispanics, Spain, Portugal, etc.)
This recognition clearly attests to LLYC’s commitment to innovation and creativity in its campaigns, positioning the firm as one of the leading companies in the creativity, communication and digital marketing sector.