ClientNacional Monte de Piedad

ClientNacional Monte de Piedad
Nacional Monte de Piedad asked LLYC to create a disruptive internal communication product with easy access, while providing the following aspects at all times:
– To consider the historical footprint of the institution.
– To depict the importance of its lending activity and social investment work.
– To not interrupt lending operations at its branches.
– To have a presence on the agenda and daily activities of its collaborators.
– To request support from collaborators after their working day.
The series allowed the collaborators to generate a greater sense of belonging to the institution, and help raise awareness of the impact of their daily work on communities in vulnerable situations.
Despite a track record of 245 years, Nacional Monte de Piedad adopts new trends in communication and relies on LLYC to carry through this implementation process, listening at all times to the opinion and experience of its consultants to implement novel ideas that do not endanger relations with collaborators and other stakeholders. The mini-series also resulted in the mitigation of rumors and discontent regarding the way in which donations were made and the operational surpluses from lending activities were allocated.
“Your work transforms” is located on a landing page that is easily accessible, where the institution’s collaborators can see, in a straight-forward and fun manner, the scope and impact of their daily work, together with the business model and methodology that leads to the transformation of the Mexican economy and social fabric.
It is extremely gratifying to see how our institution, after 245 years of history, assimilates and approves the most modern strategies in terms of communication. Right from the design phase of the project we were open to recommendations and proposals from LLYC, which translates into our institution’s wholehearted confidence in the firm. This helped us implement high quality and very innovative projects.
Accordingly, we jointly designed a mini-series of eight episodes based on a documentary type format, which did not involve the interruption of work at branches at any time. This was a great milestone for both brands, in other words:
On the one hand, Nacional Monte de Piedad obtained an original product of film-making quality, which was entertaining, emotive and simple to understand, which was appreciated by more than 60% of its workforce of collaborators, with the aim of internally strengthening the way in which social investment is undertaken for the sustainable development of Mexico.
In addition, for the Corporate and Financial Communication Department of LLYC; the experience of preparing this product was challenging from the outset, since it involved moving away from the classical press office to deliver a product that was so creative and disruptive that it was aligned with the client’s principles.