The Metaverse Promise

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Jun 21 2022

Since Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement in October 2021 that Facebook was changing its name to Meta, news related to the word (of the year?) metaverse has continued to break.

However, the concept is not new, nor was it invented by Zuckerberg. In 1992, Neal Stephenson wrote the cyberpunk novel Snow Crash, in which basic concepts such as metaverse and avatar were already coined. Nevertheless, today we are experiencing an explosion, a hype or a new reality that will change our lives forever, or maybe not?

In any case, it is a movement toward the new and unknown that inspires different feelings and attitudes in human beings. For some, it arouses curiosity, the desire to want to be there, to try it out, to lay the first stone. Others, on the other hand, are repulsed by it and predict the same future for it as for Second Life. And some are afraid of the impact it will have on the way we relate, do business, learn or even love.

We are in a time of exploration of the metaverse, but we cannot yet speak of a reality beyond some immersive worlds, as there are unresolved technological barriers and a political-corporate struggle to capitalize on it.

In this report we analyze, among other topics, the role of brands in this transformation, the millions of dollars invested in the metaverse industry and what the not-so-distant future holds



Jesús Moradillo Segura
Imma Haro
Marlene Gaspar
Patricia Cavada
Luis Martín

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