Reputation risk management has become the critical executive tool for companies, financial institutions and even nations in the XXI Century.
In the Reputation Economy, companies have to earn the social license to operate and for this reason it is not surprising that over the last few years reputation risks have risen to the top of the list of concerns of CEOs and boards of large business organizations and financial institutions.
This report, that I co-author with Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc, CEO of GEC Risk Advisory and author of the book The Reputation Risk Handbook, surviving and thriving in the age of Hyper-transparency, and with Beatriz Herranz, presents a typology to classify reputational risks and gives the key to turn risks into opportunities for generating value and improving business models.
Jorge Cachinero, Corporate Director of Innovation in LLORENTE & CUENCA, Professor at the IE Business School of Madrid and member of the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano