Towards the 2024 Elections: Analysis of the Digital Conversation in Mexico

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During the period from the start of the campaigns to the three presidential debates, digital conversation in Mexico has been notable for its intensity and breadth.

In the report “Towards the 2024 Elections: Analysis of the Digital Conversation in Mexico,” prepared by our experts, a comparative overview is presented of the conversation that emerged on particular topics through different digital channels, as well as how this impacted the perception of the candidates among the electorate using the presidential debates as triggers for digital dialogue.

“With the advent of the digital age and, consequently, social media, presidential debates have transformed into hybrid media events. Now, besides following them on television, the audience comments on them simultaneously on their social networks. The stream of opinion generated by these discussions in the digital realm can influence preference figures in favor of or against the candidates. Thus, the electorate plays an increasingly crucial role in the pre-election phase,” says Mundo Montes de Oca, Director of Public Affairs at LLYC Mexico.

The analysis shows the distribution of mentions and references to the candidates for the presidency of Mexico on social media. An equitable distribution can be observed between Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of the Sigamos Haciendo Historia coalition, and Xóchitl Gálvez, candidate of Fuerza y Corazón por México, with 41.4% and 54.6% of the conversation, respectively. Meanwhile, candidate Jorge Á. Máynez, candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano, registered 4% of mentions within the digital conversation.

The main topics dominating discussions on social networks and digital media are security (71%), the environment (26%), and the social agenda (3%).

In the realm of security, Mexicans have expressed their concern about the violence crisis, particularly regarding candidate Claudia Sheinbaum, who has faced criticism for her management of the situation. Meanwhile, Jorge Á. Máynez has generated a positive perspective on his approach to gender violence. Candidate Xóchitl Gálvez has capitalized on citizens’ concern on this issue by proposing “Zero Tolerance” policies.

Regarding the environment, the conversation has revolved around energy transition and water management, revealing that the candidates face challenges related to the public perception of their proposals, with doubts persisting about their credibility and feasibility. On this topic, Claudia Sheinbaum stands out for her alignment with current policies; Jorge Á. Máynez proposes making state companies sustainable; and Xóchitl Gálvez seeks to make environmental policy more transparent.

Finally, the social agenda, although having a lesser prominence in the digital conversation, emerges as a crucial component in the analysis for highlighting the reduction of the workday and the wage gap. On this topic, the candidate of the Sigamos Haciendo Historia coalition presented her República Sana project, as well as the proposal to grant a universal pension to women between 60 and 64 years old who have dedicated their lives to caregiving tasks. The candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano has stated that his priority would be the workers, proposing to raise the minimum wage to ten thousand pesos per month, with a transversal commitment to guarantee an equitable economy between men and women. For her part, the candidate of Fuerza y Corazón por México proposes implementing the “La Mexicana” card as financial support for women in vulnerable situations, as well as universal scholarships, pensions from the age of 60, and amendments to the INFONAVIT law.

Beyond the dynamics that the digital world presents in terms of positive and negative conversation around these topics, it is crucial for the private sector and industry to understand the citizens’ perception to manage risks, plan long-term strategies, maintain effective relationships with the government, protect and enhance their reputation, and ensure that their social responsibility and communication initiatives are aligned with citizens’ expectations.

This content is translated with AI.