We analyze the digital conversation around users’ perception of cybersecurity in Mexico, Panama and Dominican Republic.

  • Trends
    Publications and Reports
  • Countries
    Dominican Republic

In the framework of International Security Day, next November 30, LLYC publishes the reportPreventing Risks in the Age of Cyberattacks. Using big data and artificial intelligence techniques, more than 132.1k mentions were analyzed in Mexico, Panama and Dominican Republic, between January and August 2023. The results conclude that: cyber-attacks, database theft and espionage are the topics of most concern and most talked about by users in the three countries.

In Mexico, the main topics of online conversation centered on panic and misinformation around cyber-attacks, with an emphasis on the importance of transparency in the response to these incidents. Concerns about hacks, ransomware and ChatGPT security were highlighted. However, there was a favorable response from Mexican cybernauts, with neutral and positive conversations focusing on actions and initiatives to raise awareness and prevent cybersecurity risks, both at the corporate and individual level. Topics such as events and fairs related to cyber attacks were highlighted, as well as the impact of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies on various aspects of life and the economy.

The main results in Panama were the fear of cybercrime and the demand for greater transparency in communication in response to cyberattacks. The topics most discussed by Panamanians included cyber-attacks and cybercrime, personal data protection, legal cases related to hacking, awareness and prevention, as well as regulations and legal framework. Although 16% of the conversation was negative due to victim comments and lack of proper guidance from companies and authorities, there was a favorable response from cybernauts, with 81% of the conversation being neutral, driven by media promoting prevention and understanding of cyber risks, along with a 3% positive tone related to educational events and cybersecurity awareness.

For its part, the Dominican Republic highlighted the main topics of online conversation that focused on reporting as a tool to raise awareness of cyber risks and prevention through the use of technology and education. Notable cases, such as the hacking of David Ortiz, the attack on the Dominican Agrarian Institute and the report of spying by Nuria Piera, generated 17% of negative conversation about cyber risks in the country, highlighting the need for transparent communication by organizations that are victims of cyber attacks. Neutral conversation represented 79% and focused on government actions in cybersecurity and the importance of education to counter cyber threats, while positive conversation was only 4%, highlighting outreach events and preventive work in cybersecurity. Dominicans demand better education on cyber threats by organizations and the State.