AIgent by LLYC: LLYC’s newest generative AI

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    IT and Communications
  • Countries
Dec 28 2023

LLYC has developed AIgent, a generative AI agent designed to answer questions about a specific field of knowledge, powering ALDI’s successful ‘Tasty Leftovers‘ campaign.

Most chatbots require extensive training, generate little dialogue, or produce inaccurate responses. To address these challenges, LLYC’s Deep Learning team has created AIgent, which uses generative AI to write customized responses based on fragments of information the user provides. This makes AIgent an ideal solution for companies looking to engage with their customers through GPT Chat.

AIgent is the result of months of research and development in natural language processing and machine learning. What sets AIgent apart from other conversational agents is its ability to understand and generate human language at the level of advanced models like GPT-4.

“LLYC is making a deliberate and determined effort to incorporate technology as one of the main levers in transforming its offerings,” said Daniel Fernández Trejo, Global Director of Deep Learning at LLYC. “The firm recognizes the importance of adapting to the changing communication landscape, and we are committed to being leaders and benchmarks in technological integration to continue providing innovative and valuable solutions to our clients.”

AIgent is behind initiatives like ‘Sabrosas Sobras‘ (Tasty Leftovers), a digital application that combines technology, sustainability, and social awareness. ‘Sabrosas Sobras’ was created for the ALDI supermarket chain to reduce food waste by suggesting recipes based on leftover ingredients through generative artificial intelligence. Users simply input their ingredients, and ‘Tasty Leftovers’ generates a recipe.

In its first two weeks, ‘Sabrosas Sobras’ generated over 11,000 recipes, which shows how useful and accepted the tool has become. ‘Sabrosas Sobras’ provides reliable and accurate results, making AI accessible to the general public with a simple interface.