The taxation of companies is a high impact reputational risk, particularly for multinationals, and it is foreseeable that the economic effects of the pandemic, the digital transformation, scrutiny by media and public opinion, and growing fiscal regulation at a European and global level simply stepping up the fiscal pressure on these businesses.

Against this backdrop, companies now more than ever must be able to explain how they contribute to society, to the economy and to global wellbeing. However, communication efforts should not be limited to times of crisis or conflict with the public authorities, since the impact on their reputation will already be inevitable.

Multinationals must be aware that this latent risk exists and that they must work on this before, during and after their potential materialization. 

We analyze the situation and certain communication keys in this article.

  1. What are the new threats on fiscal matters for large corporations? 
  2. How can multinationals tackle public scrutiny and defend their tax planning?
  3. What are the keys to preventing and minimizing the negative impacts on reputation?


Alba García
Luis González