Composition of Board of Directors

LLYC’s Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in driving the company’s growth and differentiation, focusing on digitalization and exponential technologies. The board consists of ten high-caliber professionals, including seasoned executives in Corporate Affairs and Marketing, as well as two newly appointed directors with deep expertise in finance and artificial intelligence. This diverse mix of knowledge, age, gender, and experience ensures that each board member plays a key role in shaping the firm’s future.

Chaired by Francisco Sánchez-Rivas, the board has two specialized committees: the Audit Committee, led by Hilario Albarracín Santa Cruz, and the Appointments & Compensation Committee, chaired by Alfonso Callejo Martínez—both of whom bring extensive experience in finance and corporate governance

Governance and sustainability systems

Title Downloads
Regulation of General Shareholders’ Meeting LLYC_Reglamento_JuntaGeneralAccionistas.pdf
Internal Regulation of Conduct on Securities Markets LLYC_Reglamento_interno_conducta.pdf
Regulation of Board of Directors LLYC_Reglamento_ConsejoAdministracion.pdf
Articles of Association LLYC_Estatutos_sociales.pdf
Corporate policies - Code of Ethics LLYC_Codigo_Etica-5-1.pdf
Corporate policies - Anti-corruption Policy LLYC_Politica_Anticorrupcion.pdf
Corporate policies - Environmental Policy LLYC_Politica_Medio_Ambiente.pdf
Corporate policies - Responsible Procurement Policy LLYC_Compra_responsable.pdf
Corporate policies - Communication Policy LLYC_Politica_Comunicacion_ENG.pdf
Corporate policies - Commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion Compromiso-de-igualdad-e-inclusion-ENG.pdf
Corporate policies - Sexual and gender-based harassment policy politica-contra-el-acoso-sexual-ENG.pdf
Corporate policies - Sustainability Policy EN-Politicas-sostenibilidad-.pdf

LLYC, a growth project

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