Hate Speech and LGBTQ+ Pride in the Digital Conversation

  • Trends
    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    Social Media
  • Sector
  • Countries
Jun 21 2023

This report analyzes how the conversation on LGBTQ+ diversity has developed over the past four years. We look at 12 countries: the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, the Dominican Republic in the Americas region and Spain and Portugal in Europe. The analysis takes a deep dive into the conversation in these countries, with a particular focus on whether hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community is evolving and what support for the community looks like in this context.

The report looks at more than 169 million digital messages, generated by almost 36M profiles. The United States, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, and Argentina lead the digital discourse on this topic both in terms of the volume of mentions and the number of profiles involved (the United States and Brazil account for 91% of the total number of profiles).