Eight branding keys for the talent search

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Mar 4 2020

The Japanese philosopher Kaoru Ishikawa once said that “no company may be better or worse than the people within it.” And he was right. Human capital is vital today for all companies, which means a major challenge in recruiting qualified, talented people who are committed to their company.

Almost 60% of companies that suffer voluntary rotation have trouble recruiting, rising to 95% in the case of tech companies. This is mostly due to the scarcity of qualified staff and high demand for certain profiles. This, and the talent war that HR professionals face every day, is nothing new.

So at LLYC we’ve been wondering: what aspects influence a candidate’s decision to choose one company or another? Regardless of the stage in the candidate’s career or the situation a given business sector is going through, at LLYC we believe that brand perception, a potential employee’s knowledge of the company, is vital to their decision process. This perception is constructed from eight attributes that influence “53% of candidates would think twice about participating in a selection process launched by a company they have read bad reviews about.”

These are, we believe, the 8 secrets to employer branding.


David González Natal
María Obispo
Bárbara Ruiz

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